📷 Image Credit: Social Media Today 👆
By: Jette-Mari Anni

TL;DR TikTok videos just got a whole lot more interesting! Users can now post videos for up to three minutes.

New in the world of TikTok, all users can now make and post videos up to three minutes long! This new feature creates endless opportunities for individuals and businesses to market themselves and their products to their audience for ample time.

If you’re on TikTok, who isn’t these days, you understand the struggle of multi-part videos. It’s pretty aggravating when a storytime pops up on your FYP, but then you must navigate and locate all the various parts on the user’s page. The new, longer format relieves the stress of worrying about condensing storytimes or having them split up into countless videos.

We are pumped for all users to be able to create a whole new range of content in the new three-minute feature. What are your thoughts? Does the time extension generate more opportunities, or does this potentially make videos boring? Let us know!

Written by: Naia Mader, Intern

Edited by: Lisa Knight, COO & Mentor