📷 Image Credit: Forbes 👆
By: Cathy Olson

TL;DR The music industry might have changed forever with the new app Audible Reality letting users customize their music experience.

Despite considerable technological advances, the ability to truly customize your listening experience has alluded fans and the music industry for a long time. Enter Audible Reality, an app that lets you customize your music in the same way you would a photo with a filter. Bonus, the app is free! The app is compatible with Spotify Premium and local music and has many buy-ins from huge names in the music industry.

The app was invented when Matt Boreum realized there was no way to experience music from your headphones in the way you can in a recording studio. He wanted to bring the creative, fun music producers who participated in the studio to fans at home. The app allows anyone from experienced creators to at-home developers to customize and release new mixes of new and existing music. Audible Reality may change the way we experience music forever.


Written by: Sofia Christensen, Intern

Edited by: Lisa Knight, COO & Mentor