📷 Image Credit: Search Engine Journal 👆
By: Matt Southern
TL;DR Let the platform war to keep creators begin! TikTok is dedicating $200 million to fund their best users.
TikTok is introducing a $200 million fund to pay users in the U.S. for creating content over the coming year. Officials at TikTok said they are creating the fund to further support their creators and encourage people to use their voices to inspire creativity on the app. They also said they want to give some hope and opportunity to creators who want to make a livelihood through the app, making it possible to be a full-time content creator for TikTok. The TikTok creator fund will start to take applications in August.
In order to qualify, users must be at least 18 years old, live in the US, meet a baseline number of followers, and consistently post content that doesn’t violate the community guidelines. These qualifications are pretty vague, but we think they will become clearer when the application is actually released. For now, we don’t know what the baseline of followers will be or how often one must post to be considered a “consistent poster.” We don’t even know what kinds of content they are looking to fund. We do know that their main goal is to keep the TikTok stars they have and give money to the dedicated and creative content creators on the app. Money talks!
Sources:Search Engine Journal
Written by: Sofia Christensen, Intern

Edited by: Lisa Knight, COO & Mentor