📷 Image Credit: Social Media Today 👆
By: Andrew Hutchinson
TL;DR Instagram will allow you to have up to 4 people on live stream starting in the next few weeks; this feature could lead to significant business engagement potential!
Live streaming and video platforms have thrived under covid. Yet, the Instagram platform still needs to do some catching up to get its streaming services up to date. Instagram plans to do just that. In the next few weeks, Instagram is launching the ability to do multi-participant live streams. Right now, Instagram Live only allows one other person or guest, but with this upcoming update, Instagram will allow up to four people at once.
Instagram has reportedly been working on this for over a year now. They tested this new feature in India back in December 2020 with success. This new feature showed increased viewership by 60% more on live streams. While this might seem like a minor update, this could really add much value to businesses and influencers on Instagram. With an option to have more than two people on an Instagram live stream, users can now do interviews and have guests hop on to ask questions. Let the growth begin…for everyone!
Sources:Social Media Today
Written by: Sofia Christensen, Intern

Edited by: Lisa Knight, COO & Mentor